13. mar. 2023

Our materials have been carefully selected – the synthetic materials as well as the natural. All materials are chosen based on our basic principles of quality, longevity, and responsible use.

You can read more about the individual materials we use below and find out why we have chosen the way we have.

Chemical standards

We follow AFIRM Groups Restricted Substance List (RSL), when it comes to usage of chemicals and testing hereof. The AFIRM RSL applies to and covers all garments, accessories and other products of value. These include every type of supplement such as zippers, buttons, rivets, embroidery and labels.

Besides following the AFIRM RSL we have taken extra steps to ensure that our manufacturers do not use products containing PFAS in the production of our products.

Animal welfare

We do not accept that animals under any circumstances are harmed for the manufacturing of our products.

In addition, we require that any materials derived from animals used in our products are from

animals that are treated according to animal welfare laws and recommendations and exclusively are from animals bred for the food industry.

In our products we do not accept:

- Real fur of any type
- Leather that is not a by-product from animals that have been bred for the food industry

- Leather obtained from live-skinning or live-boiling

- Feather or down from birds that have not been bred and raised for the food industry

- Feather or down from graylag geese due to the risk that they have been force fed to produce foie gras

- Feather or down from birds that have been live-plucked

- Wool from sheep that have been exposed to mulesing